ANDXOR TimeEvolution
Secure TimeStamping Authority
ANDXOR's TimeEvolution s a Time Stamping Authority server
compliant with RFC 3161 and Microsoft Authenticode protocols
and it is designed to fit the existing international legislation.
TimeEvolution is the first of our high performance flexible PKI hardware device family.
TimeEvolution is an HW and SW solution specialized in releasing time stamps according to RFC 3161 andAuthenticode protocols.
It can be used also as Stratum 2 synchronization server.TimeEvolution is a very powerful and reliable server with high speed throughput and it is highly scalable using a Load Balancer Front End. The transport protocols used are: TCP and HTTP.
TimeEvolution can be synchronized with up to five different time sources (GPS and ACTS direct NIST Atomic Clock time service).
TimeEvolution logs and timestamp Tokens can be recorded internally on a high capacity disk or on external NFS server / true WORM support.
The following picture shows the multiple ways of connection that you can choose from:
Multiplatform API, WSDL starndard Web Service Design Language or DataEvolution.
A simple picture of TimeEvolution architecture and its connections.
The following is an example of architecture that has been released to one of our customers.
Dowload the Brochure.
TimeEvolution is an HW and SW solution where the software technology is based on Linux, FreeBSd or Solaris and open Source software.
ANDXOR designed, wrote and owns all the source code (available lodging upon request).
The Multiple Cluster Configuration can support massive operations, depending only from your network transport capacity.
Evidence of Authenticity Evidence of Integrity Evidence of Presence in Time Confidentiality Metadata Management Multiple Storage Management Data Migration known as : signature on paper
known as : paper not tampered
known as : notary stamp
known as : hide in safe place
known as : paper classification
known as : paper storage
known as : none